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2018 Reflections, 2019 Resolutions

Darci Cole

Hey y’all. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? Happy New Year!  As some of you may know if you’ve been following me for a while, instead of resolutions the last few years, I’ve chosen a single word to be my driving force. 

2015: Believe2016: Gratitude2017: Wait2018: Reach

A year ago, I set my 2018 Focus Word as REACH. It was good for me. I didn’t want to do too much or push myself too hard, but I did want to get out of the rut I felt I was stuck in. 

Looking back, I can say with confidence that I accomplished that goal. In retrospect I maybe set my goals a little too high, I didn’t do exactly everything I set out to do, but I did a lot more than I have in past years. So I’m taking the win. 

Some of the things I did this year that I’m proud of: 

-Had a baby! (Fourth time, but still an accomplishment!)

-Paid off a lot of debt (not all, but a lot)

-Participated in GISH!

-Set up my in-home recording studio

-Taught at a writing conference!

-Recorded and produced an audiobook!!!

-Recorded a second audiobook to be released in 2019

-Read 30 books 

-Revised SUMMON. TWICE. 

I’ve learned a lot about myself this year. I’ve learned that I constantly overestimate my ability to get work done quickly, so I need to make sure I give myself like twice the amount of time I think I need to do a project. 

I’ve learned that I’m a much better mom, wife, and person in general when I stay off of Twitter and Facebook for the majority of my days. 

I’ve learned that I enjoy reading to my kids every night. 

I’ve learned that I sleep better and am less stressed when I exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. 

I’ve learned that there are still a lot of areas of my life that I want to improve upon. 

2018 was crazy, but it was also a lot of fun. When, in early December, I started thinking about 2019, I had tentatively chosen my focus word, but I wasn’t 100% happy with it. That’s probably because 2018 wasn’t done with us yet. 

The first week of December, our car died. The repairs were going to cost more than it was worth to fix it, so we decided to take what we would’ve spent on repairs and buy a newer vehicle instead. So we got a new truck for Christmas! Exciting, right? 

And then on Dec. 28th, just three days before the posting of this, we were given six weeks to be moved out of the apartment we’ve lived in for six and a half years. 

I. Am. Terrified. 

It’s been three days and we’re still kind of floundering. We’re talking to our cousins (realtors) and trying to find a place that will fit our family and our budget. We’re praying like crazy. And there are moments of absolute panic where it all hits and the only thing we can do is stop and cry. Then we pick ourselves up and move on. Because we really don’t have any other choice. 

I’ll be honest, friends, we are not in a great place for having to move. The deal we’ve had in this home was a huge blessing, and there’s nothing else even close to the same. But, we had been talking about moving and trying to save for a down payment for a while, so we’re trying our best to look forward with optimism despite the (very real) fear we feel. We are incredibly blessed to have supportive family and friends close by, so all we can do now is move forward, and hope.

That being said, the last two days have made me reevaluate my hopes for 2019. My focus word is, “PERSIST.” 

Despite setbacks and trials, fear and doubt, I am determined to persist. I refuse to back down from my hopes and dreams. I refuse to let fear rule my choices. I want to continue moving forward, taking risks, and pushing myself. And 2019 is a year for that. 

I’m still scared, because not knowing what the future holds can do that to a person. But I have hope. Hope that everything will turn out okay. That this is not the end of the world. That maybe years from now, what feels like such a huge turning point will merely be a blip in the memories of our lives. 

Let’s hope so.  Here’s to 2019!

*throws confetti*


P.S. If you read this and want to help, my dear friend Julie has set up this fundraiser to help us pay off a little debt and free up some of our finances so we can afford a new place. If you can help, we are eternally grateful. If you can’t, please consider sharing on social media so that maybe someone else can. Thank you ❤ 


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