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Darci Cole

Light A Fire


Does anyone still read blogs anymore? Who knows. But I figure this is as good a place as any to update the world on the doings of Darci Cole.

As you can probably see from the post history, it’s been A While since I posted anything. It’s been rough, and I’m just starting to work my way out of it. But now I’m back, and it feels good.

Update #1: I started a youtube series? Click HERE to check out the first (very rambly) video to find out more details about what I’ve been doing instead of blogging lately, and what the series will be about.

Update #2: I’m pregnant AGAIN? Yes. Again. Cole Baby #4 is due March 2nd, 2018, and we are so excited to meet him.

Update #3: I’m going to jump back into the query trenches soon! This lovely manuscript of mine has been patiently waiting for its final (I hope) revision before going in front of agents, and I’m super excited to see how it does.

Update #4: This blog. I won’t be posting every day, but I’m gonna make a goal to post a couple times a month and talk about something I did in writing recently. The posts will probably be super short and very casual and not very edited (agents, please don’t hate me) because I Do Not Have The Time to sit and hash out a 1000-word post on something deep and poignant AND also devote time to my manuscripts.

So that’s my life in a nutshell right now. It’s crazy, and stressful, and maddening sometimes, but I love it. And I feel like I’m finally back to my self after a very long and drudging hiatus.

It’s good to be back.



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